If you know me well, you know that I have wanted to have a little girl for many years now. This week was my big ultrasound and … I’m excited to say … “WE’RE HAVING A BABY GIRL!!!”… And yes, I cried a little when the tech told me. As she poked on my belly with the magic wand and all sorts of images popped up on the screen, It went something like this …
Christie – “That’s a wee wee isn’t it?” Tech – “Nope. That’s NOT a wee wee.” Christie – “Really!?!?” (obviously I don’t know what I’m looking for) Tech – “Yep. It’s a girl.” I laughed and cried tears of joy for a moment, then looked at George and said, “Well .. What do you think?” George shruggingly – “I don’t know, I’m so hungry.” (that’s my husband… Mr Laid Back). Christie – “Really!?!?! Your hungry! Really!?!?” George – “What… I just had orange juice this morning.” Tech – “Yep. That’s definitely not a wee wee!” Hope you can picture the moment. It was quite humorous!
I had prepared to write this week’s post the same way regardless of what the outcome was going to be. THE MESSAGE IS THE SAME. We all want certain things in life and we pray and ask for them. He always answers.
1 John 5:14-15 There is one thing we can be sure of when we come to God in prayer. If we ask anything in keeping with what he wants, he hears us. if we know that God hears what we ask for, we know that we have it.
However, these things have to be in line with His perfect will for us. Sometimes we get them. Sometimes we don’t. And sometimes we have to wait awhile. No matter the outcome, we must trust! For a LONG time, this prayer had been answered with “wait”. And I did, however, not too patiently some days. This time, He answered with a “Yes.”
God is in control. He knows what’s best. I feel like this time I finally got that and was at peace with it. Of course I wanted to have a girl, however, I surrendered that want, prepared for what He had already ordained and trusted Him. I think many times, that’s all he’s waiting for us to do. When we want something so bad, we have to make sure we don’t want it more than we want Him or His plan for us. That becomes idolatry. All He asks for us is to surrender our control – not so He can do something we don’t want, but so He can bless us.
The same thing happened this year with George’s job. Once George released control of where he would be working next (even if we had to move out of state – that was the biggie), the Lord provided and just with two weeks of going without full time pay. He wasn’t even asking us to move. He just wanted surrender. Pretty awesome.
What are you trying to control? What wants are you making higher than His plan? What have you not surrendered completely to God? What area are you afraid to trust Him with?
All He’s asking for is surrender. Matthew 26:39 “My Father, if it can be done, take away what is before Me. Even so, not what I want but what You want.”
You may be surprised by the outcome. He may have something in store that you never even imagined. Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
No matter what. It’s a win win. So… what are you waiting for!
We’re going on family vacay this next week (pray for no hurricanes in the gulf which is looking more and more like a possibility). There will be no blog update next wed … unless I have some really cute family pict! See you in September!